BSG Membership Fees for 2024
Following a discussion at the BSG Executive Committee, it has been decided that the Society will make no increase to membership fees for 2024.
Membership fees have not increased for the last three years, as the Society recognises the challenging economic climate our members are facing.
However, due to inflation and increased operational costs, our membership fees will need to be reviewed for 2025.
We would like to thank each and every member whose support allows the Society to continue to deliver our charitable objectives – promoting good health by providing a high standard of patient care, clinical services, research and education in gastrointestinal and liver disease in the United Kingdom and internationally.
Prof Andy Veitch, BSG President

Statement from the BSG Executive
The British Society of Gastroenterology was appalled by the findings of the British Journal of Surgery publication reporting on women and men sexually assaulted and raped in the last 5 years.