BSG Elections and Appointments

There is a wide range of opportunities for members to serve the BSG and the GI and Liver communities through our Executive and Higher Committees, Sections and Clinical Research Groups. The BSG is committed to welcoming applications from all our members irrespective of gender, orientation, ethnic background or training, for all governance and leadership roles within the Society.

There will be a number of elections for BSG Sections, Higher Committees representative roles and Clinical Research Groups taking place in the Spring each year. BSG members wishing to stand for election must be active members of the relevant section before the election starts in order to be eligible. You can check your section interests are correct via your BSG profile.

BSG Officer Appointments

Being a BSG Officer is an exciting opportunity to contribute at a strategic level to the Society, leading one of the BSG Higher Committees, or in an Executive Committee position. Most officer roles will be advertised in Spring, to be appointed in June. Occasionally, posts will be advertised outside this schedule. Officer posts are appointed by competitive interview.

BSG Trustee Appointments

The Board of Trustees are responsible for top-level governance, ensuring that key decisions made are in both the public, and BSG’s best interests. The Board works closely with the Executive Committee and the Council, both comprised of medical professionals, who develop strategy and input to medical governance.

BSG Elections

Elections are key to ensuring democracy and representation within BSG committees. Elections are held usually in the spring for Elected Council, Higher Committee Representatives, Clinical Research Groups and Section Committee members.

BSG Elected Roles

Elected Council

BSG Elected Council represents the interests of the members of the Society in Council and other committees and external bodies. All BSG members except Taster members are eligible to vote for Elected Council.

Elected Council member Job Description and responsibilities

Section Committees

Our Section Committees focus on the academic, cultural and professional advancement of their special interest. Participating in a section committee provides you with an opportunity to contribute your expertise and shape the future of UK gastroenterology and hepatology. All BSG members except Taster and undergraduate members, who expressed their section interest areas, can vote. Members can belong to up to 5 sections, which is determined by your chosen “Professional Interests”. You can check your “Professional Interests” here: My BSG Profile.

Find out more about Section Committees roles and responsibilities

BSG Trainees Section Committee 

The BSG Trainee Section Committee is composed differently to other section committees, comprising elected regional representatives.  Trainee regional representatives are a key link between the work of the Society and gastroenterology trainees throughout the four nations.  Posts are elected for a two-year term and elections to vacant posts are held annually.

Find out more about the Trainees Regional Representative duties and responsibilities 

As well as Trainee regional representatives, the committee also elects two IMT Representatives and two Foundation Year representatives.  These roles are an excellent opportunity for future gastroenterology and hepatology trainees to have their voices heard in this national committee. Nominees must be Taster members of the Society.

Find out more about IMT Representative roles

Find out more about Foundation Year Representative roles

Clinical Research Groups (CRGs)

Clinical Research Groups (CRGs) report to the BSG Research Committee and have been formed covering Endoscopy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Food & Function, and Liver. Their aim is to increase the quality and quantity of clinical GI and liver research in the UK.

Find out more about BSG CRG members roles and responsibilities

CSSC Regional Representatives

BSG Regional Representatives are elected for each of the regions within England and are part of the BSG Clinical Services and Standards (CSSC) Committee.

Read the Regional Representative job description

Find out more about Regional Representatives roles and duties

International Zonal Leads roles

The BSG International Committee is opening for election for the first time four posts providing Clinical Leadership in each of the four selected International Development Zones. Those Zones are:

1.            Sub-Saharan Africa

2.            North Africa and the Middle East

3.            Asia-Pacific

4.            Americas and Caribbean

Candidates will work with the BSG International Deputy Chair to promote the work of the International Committee and BSG International membership in those areas by collaboration with local gastroenterology and hepatology focused bodies.

Find out more about BSG International Zonal Leads roles and responsibilities

BSG Elections and Officer Recruitment Governance


Elections and interviews for roles with BSG take place in the Spring of each year. The BSG uses a company called Civica Election Services to administrate elections. Members will be sent communications about upcoming elections when available. Please also check the BSG Election Policy for more information.

Click here to read the latest update on roles that are open for election in 2025.

Officer Recruitment

The BSG conducts interviews for senior roles using a panel of representatives. For senior officer posts such as President Elect, Treasurer, Higher Committee Chairs and VP of Endoscopy/Hepatology, this panel comprises 6 people, including a lay trustee, an elected council member, a senior member of the BSG office team, the current deputy post holder (if applicable), and 2 further members of the executive committee. For ‘Lead’ roles such as Guidelines Lead, the panel comprises 4 people including a senior member of the BSG office team, and 3 further members of the executive committee.

Each panel member must declare they have no conflict of interest before being accepted to the panel. The interview is assessed by a scoring process which assesses competency of the candidate against a number of areas. Scores from each panel member are submitted independently for aggregation by the BSG office. These aggregated scores are then reviewed by the panel to inform the final decision on appointment.

If you would like to know more about our processes, please contact Lucy Kwapisiewicz, BSG Head of Committee Services.