Ajay is a Consultant Gastroenterologist & Physician at Kettering General Hospital NHS foundation trust.
Kevin is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Co-Director at The St Mark’s Centre for Familial Intestinal Cancer
Anjan is a Professor of Medicine and Consultant Gastroenterologist who came to the UK on a Commonwealth fellowship to Oxford and became a Consultant in Luminal Gastroenterology at County Durham & Darl
Anton Emmanuel obtained his medical degree from London University. He is a Professor in Neuro-Gastroenterology at University College London and Consultant Gastroenterologist at University College Hosp
Caroline is a Senior Sister at St. Mark’s Hospital in London.
Charlotte Rutter is a Consultant Gastroenterologist (Intestinal Failure, Intestinal & Multivisceral Transplant) at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, as well as a past Chair of the BSG Trainee Section
Chris Healey is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Chair of JAG Accreditation RCP London.
Chris is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals and a Principal Investigator in the Translational & Clinical Research Institute at Newcastle University. He has a speciali
Dr Christian Selinger is currently a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Lead for IBD at St. James’s University Hospital.
Dr Coral Hollywood is a Consultant at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and the BSG VP of Hepatology.
Francesca is a SCRED lecturer at the University of Aberdeen and ST7 in Gastroenterology.
Dr Gaurav Nigam is a gastroenterology trainee in the Thames Valley (Oxford) deanery.
Geoff Smith is a Regional Postgraduate Dean, HEE South West Chair, JAG Training Group (& very part time) Bowel Cancer Screening Colonoscopist.
Dr Helen Griffiths is currently an Advanced Clinical Endoscopist, Decontamination and VCJD advisor to the BSG and incoming JAG Lead Nurse.
Ian is a Clinical Associate Professor in Gastrointestinal Physiology and Pharmacology at Norwich Medica School, University of East Anglia
John Leeds is a Consultant Pancreaticobiliary Physician and Endoscopist, and a Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer.
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