Workforce Reports
The BSG Workforce Report collates data from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees, the BSG Clinical Services and Standards Committee (CSSC) & Workforce Census and the Medical Register of the General Medical Council (GMC).
BSG Workforce Report 2024
Key Points
- On 15th November ‘23 there were 2097 consultant gastroenterologists and hepatologists in the UK, an 8.0% expansion from ‘22.
- 26% of consultants were female and 18.9% consultants that responded to the RCP census reported LTFT working.
- The return rate of the RCP census amongst gastroenterologists has dropped to 15% (16.6% across all specialties).
- The consultant workforce has expanded by 65% over the last ten years; mean yearly expansion is 7.2%.
- Mean intended retirement age is reported at 62 with 54.41% reported to reach this age over the next decade.
- 74% of respondents to the RCP census reported a consultant vacancy in their department and increase from 59% of respondents in the previous census year.
- On 31st December 2023, there were 611 (234 female and 377 male) gastroenterology and hepatology Higher Specialty Trainees in the UK (information supplied by JRCPTB).
- Only 28% of newly qualified consultant respondents to the RCP post CCT survey intend to apply for a substantive post.
- 76% Consultants over 65 yrs surveyed continue working LTFT or Flexibly. This is the same figure as last year demonstrating we continue to retain our retiring workforce.
- Objective and credible mathematical modelling suggests we should be offered 34 additional NTNs annually for the UK as whole if a moderate demand scenario is realised.
Dr Shairoz Samji
BSG Workforce Lead
BSG Future Workforce Report
Find out how the BSG will influence the implementation of the NHS long-term plan to improve all our working lives and reduce the amount of moral injury our membership is currently navigating in hospitals across all four nations. By setting out our own vision of the true volume of workforce we believe we will need; our President and the BSG Executive can influence higher bodies through a Future Workforce Report to be named "Getting ahead of the curve".
The State of the Workforce 2023
Video summarising the 2023 Workforce Report by Dr Shairoz Samji, BSG Workforce Lead.