New for BSG LIVE'24: Late-breaking abstracts portal opens on 19th April 2024
New for 2024, BSG is accepting late-breaking abstracts for consideration for oral presentation only at BSG LIVE’24. Late-breaking abstract submission is strictly for abstracts advancing the field and containing late-breaking and novel data which was not available or could not have been submitted before the general abstract submission deadline of 29th January 2024. Abstracts will be scored on the quality and significance of the submitted evidence. BSG welcomes submissions describing new therapies and unapproved medications, large phase II or III clinical trial results, and novel basic science discoveries that have not been published or presented at other meetings.
This late breaking submission period is not an extension to the general submission period. Case reports, literature reviews, retrospective studies, and abstracts featuring results or data available on the general submission deadline are ineligible. Revisions to previously submitted abstracts and abstracts that have been or will be published (including manuscripts) or presented in any other scientific venue prior to BSG LIVE’24 are also ineligible and will not be reviewed. All formatting and submission rules apply to late-breaking submissions.
The late-breaking abstract submission portal will open here on 19th April 2024 and close on 2nd May 2024.