Meet Amrita Sethi


Prof Amrita Sethi is an inspiring Advanced Endoscopist at Columbia University Medical Centre.

Amrita Sethi is a Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in New York and is the Director of Interventional Endoscopy service.  She completed her GI fellowship at Medical College of Virginia, and then her Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship at University of Colorado. She has been an attending advanced endoscopist at Columbia since 2008. During her time there she has trained over 20 advanced endoscopy fellows. Her practice interests include ERCP and cholangioscopy, therapeutic EUS, ESD, POEM and other areas of third space endoscopy and endoscopic innovation.

In addition to her work with the national GI societies, such as the ASGE, AGA and ACG, she is the founder and president of Women in Endoscopy (WIE), a global organization started to foster mentorship and promote leadership for women in interventional endoscopy.  She is the the former chair of the AGA’s Center for GI Innovation and Technology, and a past President of the NYSGE. In 2020, she received the ASGE Master Endoscopist Award, which recognizes her accomplishments and contributions to the endoscopic community.
