
24 February 2025

Factors associated with upper GI cancer occurrence after endoscopy


Post-endoscopy upper gastrointestinal cancers (PEUGIC) represent a missed opportunity for early detection and treatment of potentially treatable lesions. In this video, Prof Nigel Trudgill presents pilot data from their research into the underlying causes of PEUGIC, highlighting key findings that offer promising avenues for improving care and reducing the occurrence of future PEUGIC. We invite you to watch this video, with key learning points listed at the end of it.


Prof Nigel Trudgill
  • Consultant Gastroenterologist, Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust, West Midlands, and Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham. 
  • National Post Endoscopy Upper GI Cancer root cause analysis project lead. 
  • BSG Upper GI Endoscopy Quality Improvement Programme lead. 
  • Guidelines lead BSG endoscopy committee. 
  • National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit clinical lead and National Pancreatic Cancer Audit clinical lead. 
  • National Endoscopy Database Research Lead. 
  • Lead regional oesophageal manometry and reflux monitoring service. 
  • Screening Centre Director Sandwell and West Birmingham Bowel Cancer Screening Centre. 
  • Current research interests in health informatics in gastroenterology, post endoscopy cancer and endoscopy quality.

Dr Elizabeth Ratcliffe

Dr Elizabeth Ratcliffe is a consultant gastroenterologist at the Northern Care Alliance, Salford, with a subspecialty focus on upper gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and endotherapy. She holds a PhD centred on the development of dedicated services for Barrett’s oesophagus and has published in the areas of Barrett’s oesophagus, endoscopy training, and the outcomes of endotherapy for upper GI lesions. Dr Ratcliffe has previously chaired the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Trainees Committee and served as a trainee representative on the Joint Advisory Group (JAG) training committee, and BSG Oesophageal Committee.