Grand Rounds Season 2 Ep 4 - Oesophageal manometry: principles and interpretation

Learning points:
HRM with oesophageal pressure topography is the gold standard to asses oesophageal motility, application of Chicago Classification (CC) to HR metrics provides a diagnosis of oesophageal motility disorders, HRM interpretation involved interaction with a software system to assess the baseline period for anatomical landmarks, pressure inversion point and EGJ morphology, and individual swallows for assessment of EGJ relaxation, contractile patterns and pressurisation, newer applications of HRM include provocative manoeuvres to improve diagnostic sensitivity, HRM interpreted together with clinical symptoms and adjunctive diagnostic tools (timed barium esophagogram/Endoflip): - assimilate HRM findings with patient’s symptoms, adjunctive complementary tests, adequate training and competency in HRM interpretation