AGIP – Association of GI Physiologists

The Association of Gastrointestinal Physiologists (AGIP) is an Associate group within the British Society of Gastroenterology, inaugurated in 1991.

AGIP has established the Accredited Scientific Practice (ASP) programme which enables employers to develop bespoke short courses to meet the training needs of its Healthcare Science workforce. AGIP is also a member and active participant of the Professional Bodies Council, Academy of Healthcare Science which aims for a clear ‘One Voice’ to represent the majority of over 65,000 people working in the profession of Healthcare Science across the UK.

Become a member of AGIP

To become a member of AGIP, your CV must be reviewed by the AGIP Council. This is a simple process that you can complete using the short form here. Once your application is approved, you will receive communication for AGIP members, including the New Wave newsletter.

Read the latest AGIP papers
Read the latest clinical papers from the Association of GI Physiologists.

Association of GI Physiologists Useful Links

COVID-19 Advice

View the latest COVID-19 Advice for GI Physiologists

Read here

New Wave

NewWave is the official and only newsletter of the Association of GI Physiologists (AGIP), which has been in circulation since 1998. NewWave was reformatted into an e-newsletter in 2011 and is produced and sent to its members quarterly.

The aim of the e-newsletter is to keep its members up to date and informed of recent developments. This will be achieved by providing its members with articles and featured abstracts, information on forthcoming meetings and any other relevant information that may be of interest.

If you have any information that you feel may be of interest to AGIP members (articles, forthcoming meetings, adverts etc.) then please feel free to get in touch with the current NewWave editor: Elisabeth Kirton.

April 2024 Edition

January 2024 Edition

October 2023 Edition

July 2023 Edition

April 2023 Edition

January 2023 Edition

Equivalence and Portfolio Examples 

Equivalence and Portfolio Examples Supporting Information

Example portfolio - recent graduate

Example portfolio - experienced graduate

Example portfolio - experienced non-graduate

AGIP Accredited Independent Healthcare Practitioner CPD Forms


CPD Form 4

Training Pathways

ASP/ STP Further information

AGIP registration as an Accredited Independent Healthcare Professional in GI Physiology


  • Are Associate members of AGIP (BSG)
  • Are registered where possible (e.g., RCCP, RCN, HCPC etc)
  • Have obtained appropriate academic qualifications and professional competencies through one of our two approved training routes, namely:
  • Scientist Training Programme for Gastrointestinal Physiology (Modernising Scientific Careers) or,
  • Accredited Scientific Practice (ASP) route – N.B. a total of three years’ experience is required (including the time taken to complete the course)

Apply to become Accredited

Application to become a fellow of AGIP

Fellowship status will be available to…

a) Accredited Independent Healthcare Professionals in GI Physiology who:-

  • Have a minimum of 10 years’ experience in GI Physiology
  • Have taken an active role in the Association
  • Are considered by the committee to have made an outstanding contribution to GI Physiology

b) Affiliated Members with no clinical experience who:

  • Fulfil the criteria for fellowship as above
  • Have been employed in academic research or development or teaching

Those members who have attained the status of ‘Fellow’ would be recognised as having the appropriate experience to give expert advice in their field of practice. Such individuals must be proposed by two Fellows of AGIP, scrutinised by the Accreditation Committee and ratified by the full Committee. Fellows may use the designatory letters FAGIP.

Apply to become a Fellow of AGIP

AGIP Handbook 2022

Agreed AGIP consent form for Oesophageal High Resolution Manometry (HRM) & 24 hour pH/Impedance Studies (Suggest check with Trust before using)

Committee Members

TitleFirst nameSurnamePositionCommittee PositionDate of ElectionEnd of Term
MsJoanneHayesHonorary TreasurerTreasurer20222025
DrAnthonyHobsonChair & Symposium SecretaryChair20202023
MissSamantha                 LeachDeputy Accreditation SecretaryCommittee Member20222025
MsElisaSkinnerEducation Secretary  Committee Member20222025
MrAndres                          Vales   Research, Deputy Publication Secretary & Website   Committee Member20222025
DrTanyaMillerAccreditation OfficerCommittee Member20222025
MissGemmaNorrisDeputy Membership Secretary & Website  (CURRENTLY MAT LEAVE)Committee Member20222025
DrEmmaJonesDeputy Education SecretaryCommittee Member20222025
DrMarkScottLower GI Representative   Committee Member20222025
MsElisabeth KirtonIQIP’s Rep and Publication SecretaryCommittee Member20202023
DrOliver SmithDeputy Symposium SecretaryCommittee Member20202023
MissRachael                           McGheePaediatric Representative  Committee Member20222025
MissHelena GorickPaediatric Representative  Committee Member20222025

Honorary Fellows of the Association of GI Physiologists

  • John Bancewicz
  • Paul Barham
  • John de Caesecker
  • Graeme Duthie
  • Robert Heading
  • Brian Jonnston
  • Michael Kahm
  • John Lennard-Jones
  • William Owen
  • Anne Pryde
  • Janet Wilson

Fellows of the Association of GI Physiologists

  • Warren Jackson
  • Katherine Noble
  • Elisa Wrightham

Retired Fellows

  • Angela Anggiash
  • Josephine Barlow
  • Graham Buckton
  • Paddy Byrne
  • David Evans
  • Angela Gardiner
  • Kevin Haylett
  • Julie Hogan
  • Lesley Irvine
  • Lena Payne
  • Lynne Smith
  • Jane Stratford
  • Patricia Vales