Endoscopy Rising Star Award
The prize is awarded for the best submission regarding a technical innovation in the field of endoscopy, a new method using existing endoscopic equipment, or contribution to endoscopy research.
The prize is awarded for the best submission regarding a technical innovation in the field of endoscopy, a new method using existing endoscopic equipment, or contribution to endoscopy research.
The prize is awarded for the best submission regarding a technical innovation in the field of endoscopy, a new method using existing endoscopic equipment, or contribution to endoscopy research.
The successful recipient will be required to deliver a lecture at the BSG Annual Meeting during the Endoscopy sessions and will receive a framed certificate, as well as free registration for the conference and travel costs.
Applicants should be senior trainees, advanced endoscopy fellows or consultants or clinical endoscopists within 7 years (WTE)* of first taking up post. Entrants need to be a member of the Society and previous applicants are welcome to apply. The award is given once to any given individual and at the discretion of the BSG Endoscopy VP and committee. The Endoscopy Section reserve the right not to make an award if judges feel applications are not of sufficient merit.
Below are the fields you’ll need to complete. All applications must include the following:
* This will take account of applicants who have had career breaks or work less than full-time etc, but the final decision regarding eligibility will be at the discretion of the Vice-President Endoscopy.
To apply for this award, please click here.
This award is for members only. Please ensure you are logged into your BSG member account before opening the form page.