BSG Gut Microbiota for Health Expert Panel

The Gut Microbiota for Health Expert Panel represents a group of multi-disciplinary members (including primary and secondary care clinicians, microbiologists, dietitians and research scientists) with expertise and interest in the gut microbiota and its role in health and disease. The Group is under the auspices of the British Society of Gastroenterology Research Committee.

The group was formed in 2013 and now includes over 50 members who meet twice a year, arrange meetings and workshops on key topics related to the microbiota and publish articles in high impact journals, as well as writing articles to enhance understanding with the public. As the Group has grown, it is now organised into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) but maintains the over-arching meetings to ensure continuity and sharing of expertise and interest.


The goals of the group are: to increase awareness and understanding among clinicians of the gut microbiota and its impact on health; to be a ‘go-to’ address for clinicians (GPs, gastroenterologists, nurses and allied health professionals) for defining what is currently reliably known in this field; and to drive scientific and academic interest in the gut microbiota primarily in gastrointestinal and liver disease – although our SIGs also cover nutrition, the gut-brain axis and infectious disease. Our website lists links to up-to-date papers selected by the SIG as being particularly relevant and topical. Each SIG will take turns to post articles here with news of developments in this rapidly evolving field of biology.

In particular, the group aims to:

  • To map the science and reach consensus on what is known and what is not yet known
  • To develop guidelines to promote good practice
  • To draft consensus statements on areas of interest for UK GPs
  • To identify gaps in knowledge and research foci
  • To identify research and development areas in this field that would advance understanding and lead to patient benefit

Key Achievements

The GMfH panel has achieved the following:

Latest Update

This year marks 10 years since the launch of the Gut Microbiota for Health (GMfH) panel, which now numbers over 50 members. The panel have continued to meet over the last two difficult years, albeit virtually, under the leadership of Mona Bajaj-Elliott.

Recent work has included the setting up of a faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) consensus group for non-C. diff patients who could potentially benefit from this treatment. Panel members have also contributed to the NICE medical technology guidance for FMT [MTG71]and current update of the BSG/HIS FMT guidelines. The panel also contributed to the recently published Microbiome Strategy Roadmap, and published a letter in Archives of Disease in Childhood calling for clinical availability of next generation sequencing. Panel members also worked on the development of education modules on the gut microbiome for clinicians, produced by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

Recent scientific and clinical papers of interest will continue to be listed on this web page (see Focus Areas below). There is also a new section with information for the general public about the gut microbiome, FMT and poo testing. The panel have also recently produced a new public information leaflet, in conjunction with Guts UK, on FMT.

Panel members include gastroenterologists, researchers, GPs and nurses. It is this breadth of experience, drawing together the latest understanding of the gut microbiome and application of new findings for patient care, that is a strength of the panel. Our biannual meetings, even though now on Zoom, continue to be a rich source of new information and ideas, helping to progress guidelines, collaborative research and developments in the field of the gut microbiome and its manipulation to benefit health.

Our thanks to Mona for all her hard work over the last two years. We welcome Richard Hansen as our new Chair and will be electing a new Vice Chair in due course.

Linda Thomas PhD FIFST FRSB

Secretary to the GMfH panel

January 2023

Gut Microbiota for Health Expert Panel

The Gut Microbiota for Health Expert Panel is a cross disciplinary education & interest group under the auspices of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG Research Committee)

Current Members


Ailsa Hart (Chair Emeritus; St Mark’s Hospital, Harrow)Julian R. Marchesi (Chair Emeritus; Imperial College London)
Alvin Ochieng (Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals)Julie Harrington (Guts UK)
Ann Muls (The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust)Julie Thompson (Salford Royal Hospital; Guts UK)
Arjan Narbad (Quadram Institute)Kelsey Jones (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children)
Barry Campbell (University of Liverpool)Konstantinos Gerasimidis (University of Glasgow)
Ben Mullish (Imperial College London)Linda Thomas (Secretary to GMfH panel)
Blair Merrick (Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation)Lindsey Edwards (King’s College London)
Chris Lamb (Newcastle University)Lucy Kwapisiewicz (BSG)
Chris Stewart (Newcastle University)Mona Bajaj-Elliott (Chair Emeritus; UCL Great Ormond Institute of Child Health)
Chrysi Sergaki (NIBSC)Naveen Sharma (Heart of England NHS Foundation)
Dagmar Alber (UCL Great Ormond Institute of Child Health)Ngozi Elumogo (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals)
Dean Harris (Swansea University)Patricia Macnair (PCSG)
Debbie Shawcross (King’s College London)Peter Hawkey (University of Birmingham)
Franklin Nobrega (University of Southampton)Peter Whorwell (University of Manchester)
Georgina Hold (Chair; UNSW, Australia)Qasim Aziz (Royal London Hospital)
Gerard Clarke (University College Cork)Ramesh Arasaradnam (University of Warwick)
Horace Williams (Vice Chair; Imperial College London)Richard Hansen (Chair Emeritus and University of Dundee)
Iain Chapple (University of Birmingham)Rohma Ghani (Imperial College London)
Ian Rowland (formerly University of Reading)Simon Carding (Quadram Institute)
Indrani Mukhopadhya (University of Aberdeen)Simon Goldenberg (Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust)
James Alexander (Imperial College London)Siobhan McCormack (British Society of Lifestyle Medicine)
James Kennedy (Royal Berks Hospital & University of Reading)Tanya Monaghan (University of Nottingham)
James Kinross (Imperial College London)Tariq Iqbal (Chair Emeritus; University Hospital Birmingham)
Joanne Santini (University College London)Tom Butler (University of Manchester)
John McLaughlin (University of Manchester)Vandana Jain (King’s College Hospital)
Jonathan Segal (University of Melbourne)Vishal Patel (KCL Institute of Liver Studies)
Jonathan Swann (Imperial College London)

Tracey Maxfield (Airedale General Hospital)

Merianne Mohammed (Kings College London)

Alexander Langford (University of Coventry)

Prof Lindsay Hall (University of Birmingham)