Autumn '24: International- Update on Haemostasis Courses
Dr Mo Thoufeeq from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, a recipient of the 2022 BSG International Grant round, undertook a project to run upper GI bleeding courses/ educational events in India.
Dr Mo Thoufeeq from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, a recipient of the 2022 BSG International Grant round, undertook a project to run upper GI bleeding courses/ educational events in India.
Several quality improvement initiatives were carried out. We identified the importance of public engagement. A patient and media event with discussions about the importance of effective management of GI bleeds with a specific Q and A session was arranged with the public and media presence along with Prof K R Palaniswamy and Dr P Basumani, gastroenterologists from Apollo Hospitals Chennai, India. A GI bleed symposium along with gastroenterologists from Chennai was carried out with over 50 clinicians (trainees/ consultants) attending on 17/09/2023. This was arranged along with the Tamil Nadu State Chapter of Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
Photo: At the conclusion of the GI symposium
Right to left: Dr Basumani, Dr Khaled Serag, Dr Adolfo Para Blanco, Prof K R Palaniswamy, Dr Mo Thoufeeq, Dr Noor Mohamed and Dr Anand.
A total of 3 GI bleed courses in line with BSGEQIP courses were carried out with the local faculty after their Train the Trainer sessions. These were held at the Apollo Hospital Simulation Centre in Chennai. Trainees came from various parts of Southern India, and they were nominated by their Unit Leads after being invited by Apollo Hospitals’ Gastroenterology team.
There was a need identified by the local team to formalise a GI bleed pathway in Apollo Hospitals and this was formally inaugurated by Dr Pratap Reddy, Chairman Apollo Hospitals.
To widen the opportunities for more trainees in other areas, a GI bleed symposium was carried out in Mahatma Gandhi University Hospitals, Pondicherry, India. This was attended by 80 clinicians including medical students, trainees and consultants. This was coordinated by Dr Satish Nallam (GI Endoscopist from Pondicherry and the President of Alliance Francaise of Pondicherry) and Dr Nirmal Coumare (Director, Mahatma Gandhi University Hospitals) in May 2024. Dr Basumani from Apollo Hospitals, Chennai also supported this as a member of the faculty.
Pondicherry, India May 2024
A GI bleed clinical event in Christian Medical college, Vellore, India took place. This was attended by 40 clinicians (fellows/ consultants) in February 2024. This involved discussions around GI bleed evidence-based practice.
A formal survey was carried out at the conclusion of the courses with a significant self-reported improvement in the confidence for delegates looking after patients with UGIB. This covered overall confidence in knowledge, perceived technical and non-technical skills
Photo of delegates, industry assistants, faculty and the simulation centre staff at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
In future, it is expected that the trained clinicians will take these courses beyond their centres to spread the knowledge widely. Dr Mo Thoufeeq and his team will also offer mentorship services to the clinicians and engage with them to assess sustained improvement in the care.
Dr Mo Thoufeeq

International Grant Report: Malawi Endoscopy training visit report
After arriving in Lilongwe, we visited KCH and met the local Endoscopy team including Mr Chipilimo and the two senior local trainees who had both undertaken <5 endoscopies previously but had been identified by senior clinicians for Foundation endoscopy training at the unit. We spoke with them regarding their current work, resources and requirements and donated endoscopic equipment from Glasgow.

International Grant: Malawi Hepatology Training Course Report
With the generous support of a grant from the British Society of Gastroenterology we organized a training conference: the Third Conference on Liver Disease in Malawi. We provided travel and accommodation for delegates from all over Malawi, ranging from Karonga in the far north to Chikwawa in the South

International Committee Project: Establishing a self-sufficient upper gastrointestinal endoscopy training programme in Lusaka, Zambia
A postgraduate MMed programme in gastroenterology has recently been established within the University of Zambia School of Medicine with the aim of increasing the number of qualified gastroenterologists working within Zambia to meet some of this need. An element of the programme is to provide endoscopy training with hands on apprenticeship type training akin to the UK. Lusaka, Zambia 15-19 April 2024 - Dr Duncan Napier