
BSG Endorsed Event: Online Upper GI Small Bowel Capsule Reading Course

28-04-2025 @ 09:00 - 22-06-2025 @ 09:00


This event has been endorsed by the BSG Education Committee. As such BSG members will receive a 30% discount on registration.

This is a web based small bowel capsule reading course designed to train aspiring practitioners to perform and read full small bowel capsule studies reliably. The entire curriculum can be completed part time from work or home and conforms to the standards recommended by European and American authorities. 

The web based training is especially suitable for GI consultants, colorectal surgeons, specialist trainees and nurses with endoscopy experience. This course will take place between 28 April – 22 June 2025.

Video capsule endoscopy offers minimally invasive imaging of the oesophagus, stomach and small intestine. Small bowel endoscopy requires little technical skill for delivery and can fulfil the criteria for social distancing. The IMIGe web-based small bowel capsule course, developed in accordance with published European and American guidance, offers doctors and nurses with some GI experience the opportunity to gain appropriate skills in delivery and reading. The curriculum is delivered by a smartphone App, a learning platform and a web-enabled browser-based PillCam Simulator, which allows access to twenty full capsule studies, graded from easy to more complex and subtle. Aspiring practitioners will be asked to read and report two or three full studies each week. Each report will be submitted online for assessment by our expert faculty, which will provide individual feedback on each report. This will be supported by one introductory and four subsequent zoom webinars and a help desk. The final five studies will be used for summative assessment and the award of a certificate of completion.

This course is RCP CPD accredited and worth 30 CPD Points
Course Fee:
 £1,750. BSG members receive 30% discount on production of BSG membership number.

To View the Programme and Course Information please click here.
For further enquires please contact the IMIGE team via their website form, here.