BSG Endorsed Endoscopy Fellowships
The overall goal of an endoscopy fellowship is to allow a trainee the opportunity to gain expert subspecialty clinical skills in endoscopy and to accelerate their career development. This document explains the criteria & the process for endorsement of your endoscopy fellowship by the BSG.
Endorsed Fellowships
Hospital Name | Fellowship Title | Clinical Lead | Contact Details | Job Description Link |
Aberdeen (NHS Grampian) | Advanced Clinical Fellow in Endoscopy | Dr Sandeep Siddhi | | Find out more. |
Barts Health, Royal London Hospital | Post CCT Fellowship | Dr Patrick Wilson | | Find out more. |
Bradford Teaching Hospitals | Clinical Fellow in Endoscopy | Dr Pradeep Mundre | | Find out more. |
Edinburgh (NHS Lothian) | Advanced Clinical Fellow GI | Dr Aaron Mcgowan | | Find out more. |
University Hospital’s Bristol and Weston | ERCP Fellowship | Dr Jim Portal | | Find out more. |
King's College Hospital, London | Senior Clinical Fellow in HPB medicine | Dr Deepak Joshi | | Find out more. |
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Senior Advanced Fellow in Endoscopy | Dr Noor Mohammed | | Find out more. |
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Senior Fellow in Pancreaticobiliary Medicine | Dr Matthew Huggett | | Find out more. |
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust | Endoscopy Clinical Fellow | Prof Matt Rutter | | Find out more. |
North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust | Clinical Fellow in HPB Endoscopy | Dr Vikramjit Mitra | | Find out more. |
Northumbria Healthcare | Senior Clinical Fellow in Endoscopy | Dr Tom Lee | | Find out more. |
Nottingham University Hospital | Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship | Dr Martin James | | Find out more. |
Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust | Clinical Research Fellow Gastroenterology | Prof Pradeep Bhandari | | Find out more. |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead NHS Health Trust | Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Fellowship | Dr Jaime Barbour | | Find out more. |
Royal Free Hospital | Senior Clinical Fellow in Pancreatobiliary Medicine | Dr Douglas Thorburn | | Find out more. |
University Hospital of North Midlands | Senior Training Fellow in HPB | Dr Srisha Hebbar | | Find out more. |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital | Senior Clinical Endoscopy Fellow - Advanced Training Speciality Module colonoscopy | Dr Richard Tighe | | Find out more. |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital | Senior Clinical Endoscopy Fellowship - Advanced Training speciality module ERCP | Dr Richard Tighe | | Find out more. |
Endorsement Process
The BSG endorses endoscopy fellowships to ensure that fellows achieve comprehensive endoscopy training under senior educational supervision. Centres must have a formal training plan to ensure the fellow receives a comprehensive training program.
We expect that the fellowship will usually be undertaken after CCT although training during the later stages of higher specialty training is also possible. We also expect that the fellowship will focus on one of the following aspects of advanced endoscopy:
- Therapeutic Upper GI
- Therapeutic Colonoscopy
- Pancreatobiliary endoscopy +/- advanced EUS/ERCP procedures.
- Small bowel endoscopy including device assisted enteroscopy
We appreciate some fellowships will have a combination of procedures, but the overarching focus should be on one of the above.
Once endorsed, host centres will be permitted to use the BSG logo and state that the fellowship is endorsed by the BSG. The BSG will highlight to the trainee section members all available endorsed UK endoscopy fellowships.
Centres must be based in the UK and should have the following resources in place to ensure
Fellows are exposed to all aspects of the endoscopy :
- Centres must have a dedicated fellowship training lead
- Regular MDT attendance(2/month) to ensure experience in GI radiology, pathology & joint medical/surgical working
- Support of endoscopy unit nurses
- Outpatient clinic with fellowship specific experience
- Inpatient management including complications - Regular attendance of the endoscopy M& M meetings
- Strong links to the local tertiary referral centre to ensure optimal patient management
Training units should be able to provide fellow with dedicated time for clinical research or a quality improvement project.
We recognise that centres may require the fellow to work in other aspects of GI or general medical shifts to allow for funding of posts. However, the fellowship should include the following minimum number of clinical events to allow for sufficient experience:
- At least 4 - 5 training lists/week
- Regular (2/month) MDT attendance
- No more than 40 - 50% service provision
- Attend fellowship specific CPD events e.g., BSG annual meeting, BSG live, etc
- Weekly session dedicated to audit/research
Centres should offer trainees the opportunities to personalize the curriculum based on a fellow’s individual interests. All data should be entered on the JETS portfolio.
In addition, arrangements should be in place for regular feedback/reflection in keeping with the core principles of training as outlined by JAG. We would also expect the trainee to provide feedback to the BSG at 6 & 12 months to ensure their needs are being met.
Please note that we will only endorse UK-based fellowships.
The following short form allows for the submission of a job description, which will be reviewed by the Endoscopy Section committee.
Once approved, it will be posted on the BSG website.