EASL'25 Annual Meeting Research Abstract Bursary
The BSG Research Committee is offering 3 travel bursaries for delegates who would find it financially difficult to attend EASL'25 to present their accepted abstract(s), available to trainees, nurses/AHPs and consultants in the first 2 years of their post. Each bursary of up to £800 is funded by the BSG and is intended to reimburse the costs of registration, travel and/or accommodation. Other costs (meals, poster preparation, visas etc.) will not be supported.
Applications are now closed.
In order to qualify, the applicant must fulfil the following:
- be listed as the presenting author of the submitted abstract
- actually present the abstract at the meeting
- be unable to afford to attend the meeting without the travel bursary
- be a BSG member
Applicants should fill out the form at the bottom of the page which will require the upload of a short statement explaining why they wish to attend EASL, what is their abstract focused on, provide abstract entry number and why would they find it difficult to attend without being funded. Please note that priority will be given to those attending the full conference.
*If you were fortunate to be in a receipt of an EASL travel bursary as a young investigator (under the age of 35) you will be exempt from being awarded a BSG-EASL bursary.
Successful applicants
Bursaries will be paid after the relevant meeting on submission of your expense claim and a brief report outlining what you felt was most valuable about attending the conference, what you enjoyed the most, and what you learned that you could bring back to your daily work.
Application Process
If you have an abstract submitted for EASL’25 conference but would find it financially difficult to attend the meeting to present it, you can apply for our EASL Annual Meeting Research Abstract Bursary. Three bursaries are available: -to nurse, -trainee, -consultant in the first 2 years in their post.
You must be a BSG member for at least a year to apply and this information will be checked by the BSG office as part of the judging process.
Application Form

EASL'25 Annual Meeting Research Abstract Bursary
The BSG Research Committee is offering 3 travel bursaries for delegates who would find it financially difficult to attend EASL'25 to present their accepted abstract(s), available to trainees, nurses/AHPs and consultants in the first 2 years of their post.

Trainee Annual Meeting Bursaries
We invite BSG trainee members in any area of gastroenterology planning on coming to the annual meeting but will struggle financially to attend to apply for a bursary.
Nurse Annual Meeting Bursaries
We invite BSG nurse members in any area of gastroenterology planning on coming to the annual meeting but will struggle financially to attend to apply for a bursary.