International Committee Project: Endoscopy Training at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) Endoscopy Unit
Supported by Grant from the British Society of Gastroenterology
Previous visits by Dr M T Hendrickse and other colleagues had established an endoscopy training programme at Kamuzu Central Hospital ( see previous reports on visits in 2013, 2014 and presentation at Annual British Society Of Gastroenterology meeting June 2013 .)
Basic skills and enhanced /refresher courses have been run with Dr Hendrickse as a visiting trainer with Gift Mulima as a fully trained local endoscopist and trainer.
It was recognised that in order for the endoscopy service to expand, there is a requirement to develop further trainees to become independent endoscopists and potential trainers.
In addition, it was recognised that the endoscopy unit needs further technical support , due to old endoscopes now malfunctioning and restructuring of the unit with a new rebuild.
Aims of current visit:
- To assess endoscopy training requirements of current trainees at Kamuzu central hospital.
- To assess / support current trainees with endoscopy experience with a refresher / enhanced course
- Evaluate the current endoscopy service at Kamuzu central hospital, and the progress in development of a new endoscopy unit as part of the restructuring of ITU, HDU services at Kamazu central hospital
- Through separate funding Dr Hendrickse has purchased an Olympus stack and two 260 series scopes (gastroscope and colonoscope) which was being delivered by freight through Glasgow council.
Endoscopy Training at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) Endoscopy Unit

International Grant Report: Malawi Endoscopy training visit report
After arriving in Lilongwe, we visited KCH and met the local Endoscopy team including Mr Chipilimo and the two senior local trainees who had both undertaken <5 endoscopies previously but had been identified by senior clinicians for Foundation endoscopy training at the unit. We spoke with them regarding their current work, resources and requirements and donated endoscopic equipment from Glasgow.

International Grant: Malawi Hepatology Training Course Report
With the generous support of a grant from the British Society of Gastroenterology we organized a training conference: the Third Conference on Liver Disease in Malawi. We provided travel and accommodation for delegates from all over Malawi, ranging from Karonga in the far north to Chikwawa in the South

International Committee Project: Establishing a self-sufficient upper gastrointestinal endoscopy training programme in Lusaka, Zambia
A postgraduate MMed programme in gastroenterology has recently been established within the University of Zambia School of Medicine with the aim of increasing the number of qualified gastroenterologists working within Zambia to meet some of this need. An element of the programme is to provide endoscopy training with hands on apprenticeship type training akin to the UK. Lusaka, Zambia 15-19 April 2024 - Dr Duncan Napier