MASLD, associated with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and type 2 diabetes is now a global concern. MASLD underpins the increases in HCC. Deaths from other cancer are falling, but deaths from HCC are rising. Many patients with MASLD present with advanced cancers and are not fit enough to benefit from advances in treatments.
Professor Helen Reeves
Helen Reeves graduated from Nottingham Medical school in 1990. She was awarded a PhD from Newcastle University in 2000 and went to Mount
Sina Medical School in New York, researching liver cancer. She is now the Professor of Liver Cancer in Newcastle upon Tyne established and leads the clinical service for
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in the North East, alongside a translational research programme, funded by the Newcastle NIHR BRC Liver Theme, programme
and Accelerator awards from Cancer Research UK and the EU Consortium THRIVE. Her major focus is improving outcomes for patients with MASLD-HCC.
Dr Ankur Srivastava
Dr Ankur Srivastava is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Southmead Hospital, North Bristol Trust. Having graduated from the
University of Bristol, he completed his postgraduate training in the North East London training programme and completed his PhD at University College London. Dr
Srivastava developed an interest in early detection of chronic liver disease and non-invasive liver fibrosis markers. Dr Srivastava is on the BSG Liver committee, and
BSG Education committee.
Helen Reeves graduated from Nottingham Medical school in 1990. She was awarded a PhD from Newcastle University in 2000 and went to Mount
Sina Medical School in New York, researching liver cancer. She is now the Professor of Liver Cancer in Newcastle upon Tyne established and leads the clinical service for
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in the North East, alongside a translational research programme, funded by the Newcastle NIHR BRC Liver Theme, programme
and Accelerator awards from Cancer Research UK and the EU Consortium THRIVE. Her major focus is improving outcomes for patients with MASLD-HCC.
Dr Ankur Srivastava
Dr Ankur Srivastava is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Southmead Hospital, North Bristol Trust. Having graduated from the
University of Bristol, he completed his postgraduate training in the North East London training programme and completed his PhD at University College London. Dr
Srivastava developed an interest in early detection of chronic liver disease and non-invasive liver fibrosis markers. Dr Srivastava is on the BSG Liver committee, and
BSG Education committee.