BSG/RCP guidance on working aged 55 and over in gastroenterology

This document is aimed at the Consultant considering the later stage of their gastroenterology career. The BSG values the lifetime experience of gastroenterologists and recognises that careers evolve over time. A healthy workforce will include a range of age and experience, which in turn can build resilience amongst colleagues.

Current national pension changes may result in working until at least age 68 to receive a full national pension. However, the effects of working later, on the health of those who need to maintain complex performance skills, needs careful consideration. Comorbidity increases with age and therefore issues relating to dexterity, stamina, visual acuity and mobility are more common in an older working population. Additionally, ageing affects physiological variability and working at night is more demanding with increasing age.

Key recommendations

  • Senior doctors and clinical leads should begin a discussion at age 55 about intentions for the next 10 years.
  • Review out of hours / on-call commitments
  • Make flexible or part-time working options available to senior doctors where possible
  • Proleptic appointments may be appropriate
  • Opt into on-call from aged 60

Download the document, developed in conjunction with the RCP, to read our full recommendations for both yourself and your gastroenterology departments.

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