
UEG Elections 2024: Call for Open Council Positions

On behalf of the UEG Council, we hereby inform you that the following positions on the UEG Council are open for election:

Please see the official call for elections. The job descriptions are linked above.

Our role as UEG National Member Society

These high-profile positions are of strategic relevance to the development and success of UEG and according to UEG Statutes, only candidates supported by a UEG member society can be considered. Therefore, we are taking an active role in attracting strong and suitable candidates who in case of their election will have the opportunity to shape the future of the organisation and deliver the shared mission in digestive health.

To find out more about the positions and submit their applications, visit this website

Due date for application: September 10, 2024

The Representatives to the UEG Meeting of Members will vote on the positions during the Meeting of Members at UEG Week Vienna 2024 (hybrid), Saturday, October 12, 2024.