Trainees Out of Programme Award
The Trainees Out of Programme Experience Award is designed to help gastroenterology trainees in the UK access training opportunities that are not available as part of their local training rotations.
The Trainees Out of Programme Experience Award is designed to help gastroenterology trainees in the UK access training opportunities that are not available as part of their local training rotations.
The Trainees Out of Programme Experience Award is designed to help gastroenterology trainees in the UK access training opportunities that are not available as part of their local training rotations. There is a single award of £1000.
The award is open to any BSG member who is training in gastroenterology in the UK. This includes members of the BSG Trainees Section Committee not directly involved in the organisation of the award. Applicants must have a National Training Number (NTN).
The applicant should be undertaking (or planning to undertake) an attachment or posting outside of their normal training scheme. This may be within the UK or abroad and can be a short term attachment or longer clinical post.
Conditions of the Award
The successful applicant must submit a report to the Trainees’ Section within 12 months of the award. The report should include a summary of the work undertaken and information on opportunities for other trainees.
The personal statement should contain a full description of the work, a description of why the work is relevant to training, and a proposal of how the money will be spent. The application should detail the available local training opportunities and what additional benefit the proposed attachment will offer.
Complete the application form here. Below are the fields you’ll need to complete.
To apply for this award, please click here.
This award is for members only. Please ensure you are logged into your BSG member account before opening the form page.