
24 October 2023

Masterclass: Update on the therapies for PBC


This session provides a brief overview of primary biliary cholangitis and how we diagnose it. It walks us through the use of 1st line therapy with ursodexoycholic acid and the importance of using a therapeutic dose and commencing treatment as soon as possible after diagnosis. We then discussed risk stratification based on treatment response in order to identify those who need 2nd-line therapy with either obeticholic acid or fibrates. We then focus on the significant burden that some patients have from symptoms in PBC and discuss management strategies for itch, cognitive symptoms and fatigue.

Watch Dr Jess Dyson’s interview with Dr Srivathsan (Vats) Ravindran about her main talk on ‘Masterclass: Update on the therapies for PBC ’.


Dr Srivathsan (Vats) Ravindran

Dr Ravindran is a Gastroenterology specialist trainee and endoscopy research fellow at Imperial College London. He is involved in medical education, simulation and research. His research focusses on improving patient safety in endoscopy and developing endoscopic non-technical skills and human factors training. Dr Ravindran is a trainee editor with the British Society of Gastroenterology Web education team.

Dr Jess Dyson

Dr Jess Dyson is a consultant hepatologist at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle with a combined role as an NHS hepatologist with a major interest in clinical research based at Newcastle University. She leads the clinical service in Newcastle for patients with autoimmune liver disease including running the network for delivery of 2nd-line therapies in high risk primary biliary cholangitis. She is principal investigator for the UK national study for patients with autoimmune hepatitis that focuses on improving therapy for patients (UK-AIH). She completed her PhD in 2019 investigating potential environmental risk factors related to autoimmune liver disease.